Ingredients I used:
These are the items I purchased for the soap at Wal-Mart
for a total spent of $24.22
4 lb box Borax
4 lb box Arm & Hammer baking soda
3.57 lb box regular *Arm & Hammer laundry soap (replacing super wash powder)
3 lb Oxiclean
1 bar *Yardley oatmeal & almond soap (replacing the Fels-Naptha)
**Purex Crystals fabric softer (32 load bottle)
*these items replaced were because I couldn't find brand/type called for
**this item I added, it was not part of the original "recipe"
Mix all the ingedients together in a large container. Grade the bar soap with a cheese grader, or use an old food processor. I mixed these items in a five gallon bucket that I had and lined it with a large black leaf bag before adding ingredients. I added some of the mixed soap to the empty 3lb oxiclean container as my daily use container. I also used the scoop that came in the oxiclean container, filling it up to the number 2 or 3 line for each load.
I must say, I am totally happy with this soap. It's not a miracle laundry detergent or anything, but it works just as well as any name brand. I still soak my husbands greasy clothes for at least an hour before washing, the same as I did with the name brand soap. And just FYI, even though it has oxiclean in it, I still have to spot treat any really nasty or oily stains with a spray before washing. It also smells really good and the smell last quite a long time on the clothes. I will definetly be making this again, when this one runs out!
This was the original website where the recipe came from...
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